Modern Montessori International London


MMI’s franchisees are offered the following advantages: higher chance of success, shorter learning curve, established trademark, joint advertising and promotion, transfer of management expertise, training and good support services.

The unique advantages of joining MMI franchise are as follow:

  • A unique corporate identity
  • Balance and well-integrated curriculum
  • Professional teacher training
  • Continuing research and development
  • Operational guidance
  • Academic and technical support

The MMI Group offers a full business format and professional expertise to assist regional and international business partners to venture confidently into the challenging and fast expanding market of Montessori education.

Franchise Montessori business opportunity Cyprus
Franchise Franchise opportunity Singapore London Montessori

Why MMI?

  • Higher Chance of Success – In any business venture, there is always a risk of failure. However, since the franchising concept is based on following a proven way of operating the business according to developed and well-tested format, the chance of success is therefore many times higher than running your own independent business.
  • Shorter Learning Curve – Franchisees will benefit from the MMI Group’s collective wealth of expertise and knowledge, thereby requiring a much shorter time to learn how to run the business.
  • Established Trademark/Service Mark – The MMI trade name is already familiar to global consumers. The franchisee will benefit from the goodwill and global recognition of the MMI name.
  • Joint Advertising and Promotion – Franchisees are able to pool resources to come up with joint advertising and promotion campaigns at a relatively low cost. In addition, all franchisees can project a consistently strong image, thus giving consumers added confidence in purchasing from them.
  • Transfer of Management Expertise – The MMI Group has vested interest in transferring its knowledge to franchisees to help them succeed. The success and profitability of the MMI Group is usually directly linked to that of the franchisees.
  • Training – Franchisees will receive continual training and guidance from the MMI Group to ensure optimal performance.
  • Support Services – The MMI Group will provide relevant support services at a lower cost. We assist franchisees to recruit staff, relocate to better premises, conduct local promotions, etc

Franchise Terms

  • Franchise Agreement – This is a legal contract between the MMI Group and the franchisee spelling out the rights and obligations of both parties, terms and conditions, including those for termination and the validity period. This agreement is drawn up by the MMI Group’s appointed lawyers.
  • Tenure or Period of Contract – This is the period of validity of the legal contract between the MMI Group and franchisee.
  • Compliance with Contract – To ensure that franchisees do not conduct themselves in a manner that affects the image and business of other parties with the MMI Group, franchisees are required to comply with the terms and conditions as stated in the franchise agreement.
  • Initial Fee – This is the upfront payment that the franchisee must make to the MMI Group to obtain the rights to the business format and trade or services mark for a specified time period. In return the MMI Group will provide service related to the design and layout of the premises and assistance in the launching of the operation, to facilitate an early conversion to a franchise outlet.
Montessori training Nigeria
  • Royalty/Management Fee – An ongoing monthly fee, made by the franchisee to the MMI Group, usually based on a percentage of the gross monthly sales. It could also be a fixed fee or a variation of one or both. In return, the MMI Group will provide management services, including joint advertising and promotional campaigns, updating of procedures, continual new product development, etc.
  • Montessori Material – We will provide you with a comprehensive itinerary of equipment along with a list of suppliers.
  • Renovation Cost/Rental – The cost that will be incurred by the franchisee to convert the premises to the image and layout specified by the MMI Group. This cost has to be borne at the beginning of the franchise relationship. Franchisee will need to have sufficient capital to pay this amount upfront.
  • Working Capital – Franchisees must set aside sufficient funds to pay for normal business overheads likes utility bills, salaries and purchase of goods and services.
  • Payment Terms – The period by which franchisees have to pay the MMI Group for goods and services rendered is normally specified by the MMI Group under payment terms.


  • Initial training will be provided for key teaching and administrative personnel nominated by the franchisee to be held at a centre nominated by the MMI Group.
  • On-site training will follow at the franchised centre.
  • A nominated representative of the MMI Group will guide the franchisee through the pre-launch.
  • On-going support will be provided by the MMI Group
  • Advice on setting environment.
  • Procuring Montessori teachers and materials.